Guineans Threatened With Expulsion In Belgium : The Minister Morissada Reactivates His Crisis Unit And Summons The Belgian Ambassador To Conakry

il y a 10 mois 198

CONTACTEZ [email protected] / Several undocumented Guineans living in Belgium are threatened with expulsion by the Belgian authorities. Most of them were arrested after their asylum requests were rejected. Faced with this situation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Guineans established abroad announced actions to find a solution.

Indeed, Morissada Kouyaté says he activated the crisis unit of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and undertook the following actions:

“Summoning the Belgian Ambassador to Guinea to indicate our total disagreement by asking to suspend this unilateral project; sending our Ambassador to Belgium to the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs to clearly convey the same message; sending a mission from our embassy in Belgium to the Guineans targeted by this attempted expulsion and ensuring that they are treated with dignity and requesting their pure and simple release if they have not committed any legally reprehensible fault », he said.

Continuing, the head of Guinean diplomacy adds that the Guinean authorities will be happy, “if everyone could understand that the new Guinea under President Mamadi Doumbouya, who extends a hand of cooperation to all partners, does not procrastinate with the protection of the dignity of our compatriots. Particularly those who are established abroad,” suggested Morissada Kouyaté

According to our latest information, the flight which was planned to deport undocumented Guineans living in Belgium for Tuesday December 19, 2023, was finally canceled.

Mariame Diallo pour  / Tel : 621 97 27 76.

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