Ousmane Sonko affair : Everything you need to know about the immediate consequence of reinstatement in the electoral lists and the final decision of the Senegalese state lawyers

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http://Actuguinee.org / The Dakar District Court ordered the reinstatement of Ousmane Sonko in the electoral register which had previously been removed. This decision by the Senegalese judges de facto opens the way for Macky Sall’s main opponent to be a candidate in the next presidential election in February 2024. This news delighted Sonko and his lawyer. However, immediately the lawyers of the Senegalese State filed an appeal for cassation

In detention since July 31, 2023, at Cap Manuel prison, this courageous decision by the Dakar District Court constitutes a sigh of relief for the Senegalese opponent.

Through his official account X (Twitter), Ousmane Sonko expressed his joy in these terms: “Glory to God, the One! Honors to my dedicated, brilliant, selfless and loyal lawyers! Infinite gratitude to this wonderful Senegalese people! Thanks to all our African and foreign supporters! May peace and divine blessing flood our country,” he published.

Master lawyer Juan Branco, who led this  »legal-political » fight with Sonko, celebrated this decision as a great victory allowing the mayor of Ziguinchor to participate in the next presidential election, » he rejoices before add that this judgment is a victory for the Senegalese people

“We are two months away from restoring the sovereignty of the Senegalese people. Despite interference from the Elysée. Despite the manipulation of the floors. Despite the detentions which have continued to multiply. We are two months away from freedom. It is now time to open the door to politics. To allow Mr. Sonko to campaign,” suggested lawyer Juan Branco

Master Juan Branco, lawyer for Ousmane Sonko

This rejoicing in the Sonko camp was only short-lived, one might say. The lawyers of the Senegalese State, through a press release dated December 14, 2023, emphasize that the decision of the Dakar District Court is not “final or enforceable, Ousmane SONKO remains removed from the said lists (electoral lists, editor’s note) « . Consequently, the group of lawyers in this case intends to appeal to the Court of Cassation. “The State of Senegal, based on the relevant provisions of articles L.45 et seq. of the Electoral Code, intends to use its right of appeal by lodging an appeal in cassation,” mentions the press release from the lawyers of the Senegalese state

Collective of Senegalese State lawyers

Should we remember that Ousmane Sonko, president of the PASTEF Party, is currently in detention. He is being prosecuted for calling for insurrection and plotting against the State.

To be continued on Actuguinee.org To be continued on Actuguinee.org

L’article Ousmane Sonko affair : Everything you need to know about the immediate consequence of reinstatement in the electoral lists and the final decision of the Senegalese state lawyers est apparu en premier sur Actuguinee.org.

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